Majhni delci, velika vprašanja | JERNEJ FESEL KAMENIK | TEDxLjubljana

Описание к видео Majhni delci, velika vprašanja | JERNEJ FESEL KAMENIK | TEDxLjubljana

Jernej je fizik, ki raziskuje osnovne delce, iz katerih je sestavljeno vesolje. Zakaj je vesolje takšno, kot je? Pravi, da so včasih vprašanja, ki jih zastavljamo, pomembnejša od odgovorov. Jernej is an associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Ljubljana, a senior research associate at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Jožef Stefan Institute and a visiting scientist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva. In 2016 Jernej received a Zois award for his scientific achievements. He is especially interested in how the basic building blocks of matter interact. Jernej says that the questions we ask are usually more important than the answers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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