海外成都老哥和您分享做香肠 (川味麻辣和川味五香) | Making Chinese Sausages (Spicy Flavor and Sweet Five Spice Flavor) 【中文】

Описание к видео 海外成都老哥和您分享做香肠 (川味麻辣和川味五香) | Making Chinese Sausages (Spicy Flavor and Sweet Five Spice Flavor) 【中文】

每年冬天,川渝地区的人都会做香肠腊肉(   • Smoked Chinese Bacon | 自制烟熏腊肉  )来作为年味。身在海外,这个风俗也不能丢,自己做的食材放心,而且味道是适合自己的味道。整个过程切肉最费时间,灌制有机器其实很快。剩下的就是耐心等待风干。个人认为,自然风干10多天的香肠才有腊味,因为腊味的形成需要时间。相对用干燥机烤箱迅速烘干的,那只是吃了个肉肠的感觉,缺乏腊味独有的香和味。



厨师机的灌肠接头 (sausage making attachment for KitchenAid Mixer)
塑料的 (plastic) https://amzn.to/358nIlY
金属的 (metal) https://amzn.to/38ZrT4D

Making Chinese Sausage in winter is a tradition for many Chinese in preparation for Chinese New Year. It's a tradition that we carry abroad as well. Self made sausage can have more self preferred flavor than some of the store bought ones. Also, Chinese sausage uses pork cut into small strips instead of ground pork. After air dry for 10+ days, it has great flavor and texture.

Here are the recipes for the two flavors I made.
The ingredients are for 5kg (11 lbs) of meat, so you can do the math.

Sichuan Hot Spicy
salt 90-100 g, high prof alcohol (e.g. 100 proof vodka) 150 g, grounded red chili 70-100g, grounded Sichuan pepper corn 20-30 g, sugar 40-50 g, MSG 15 g

Sweet Spices
salt 90-100 g, high prof alcohol (e.g. 100 proof vodka) 150 g, sugar 200 g, five spice powder 25-30 g, white pepper powder 10 g, MSG 15 g

#香肠制作 #ChineseSausage #麻辣香肠 #麻辣香腸 #香腸製作


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