2. Improve Your Technique with Meditation

Описание к видео 2. Improve Your Technique with Meditation

Video #2 of 18 in the series: Up Your Mental & Emotional Game (for Trumpet Playing)

English transcript of available on: www.AdamRapa.com
You can watch the full series there, and find lots of other goodies!

Some key take-aways from this video:

"So it's a meditation on the sound and the physicality that is going into producing that sound."

"I consider it a meditation because there is nothing but that; there's nothing but the urge, the impetus, the desire to make this particular sound, or paint this particular architecture, this shape..."

"Self-awareness, you know; so being aware of, “How am I playing right now? What am I doing physically that's making these notes happen?” For me, that's a meditation; being self-aware.

What’s going on with my posture? What's going on with my breathing? Which muscles am I flexing? Which muscles am I not flexing? That is a deep meditation.

It’s kind of a standing-still version of a walking meditation, where it's not like you're trying to clear your mind of any thoughts; it's just that you're being - you're present, you're in the moment and you're very observant..."

"So I would just say, for integrating your meditative mind-frame and your playing, you gotta get the ego out of the picture. You just gotta simplify things down to: What are you trying to accomplish with your body; and what are you actually getting?"


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