Andrey Churkin PhD Thesis Defense, Skoltech, 2020

Описание к видео Andrey Churkin PhD Thesis Defense, Skoltech, 2020

“Stability analysis in coalitional games for cross-border power interconnection planning”, Skoltech, Moscow, 19 November 2020

(re-uploading my PhD Thesis Defense video after the initial Skoltech channel was terminated)

Two years have now passed since the defense. It is still hard to believe how I managed to complete this amount of work. An absolutely incredible journey and experience!
I am grateful to my supervisors Janusz Bialek and David Pozo, as well as the committee members Clement Fortin, Henni Ouerdane, Elena Gryazina, Javier Contreras, Benjamin Hobbs, and Ross Baldick.

Andrey Churkin (Андрей Чуркин) 2023


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