TACC NGC Zimbabwe - Mpostori wokutenda kwedu.

Описание к видео TACC NGC Zimbabwe - Mpostori wokutenda kwedu.

Twelve Apostles Church in Christ.
National Gospel Choir (Zimbabwe)
National Thanksgiving 2024

Lyrical content
Mpostori wekutenda kwedu
(The Apostle of our faith)
Zita pamusoro pawo ose
(Name above all names)
Takaziva tikatenda rudo rwamunarwo
(We have known and believed the love you have)

Makati titsvage humambo hwaMwari kutanga
(You said let us seek first the Kingdom of God)
Zvimwe zvose izvi zvinowedzerwa
(All these things shall be added)

Iwe hama yangu
(My bretheren)
Humambo hwaMwari hausi nyore kuwana
(The kingdom of God is not easy to find)
Ngatitsvage zivo yake iye Mpostori
(But let us seek the mind of the Apostle)
Nokuti ndiye oga wakatendeka
(Because he is the only faithful one)
Ndiye oga wakatumwa
(He is the only one who was sent)
Oh, Mpostori rumbidzwai nokusingaperi
(Oh Apostle be praised forever)

Mesiya wakatendeka
(Faithful Messiah)


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