Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - SNES Longplay [4K, 60fps]

Описание к видео Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - SNES Longplay [4K, 60fps]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is a classic beat 'em up game released in 1994. Developed by Natsume, the game capitalizes on the popularity of the hit TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Players can choose to play as one of the five original Power Rangers – Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini, and Billy – each equipped with their unique martial arts skills and special attacks. The game follows the storyline of the TV series, where the Rangers must defend the city of Angel Grove from the evil forces of Rita Repulsa and her minions.

00:00 Intro
00:42 Area 1
07:28 Area 2
17:52 Area 3
27:49 Area 4
37:24 Area 5
50:14 Area 6
52:57 Area 7
55:00 Ending

Played by HenPlay !


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