Dark Souls 2, But I Fall On My Face Every Time I Attack (NG+ Fresh Start)

Описание к видео Dark Souls 2, But I Fall On My Face Every Time I Attack (NG+ Fresh Start)

Can I beat Dark Souls 2 using only the Special L2 attacks of the Smelter Hammer starting fresh on NG+? The smelter hammer has a unique 2-handed spinning attack that literally launches your character forward and face down upon the ground. Doesn't sound so bad? Well, in addition I also cannot wear any armor or level up vitality. Meaning that I will permanently fat roll and have to deal with massively reduced stamina regeneration against new game plus enemies.

The full livestreams:
   • Dark Souls 2 With My Shoelaces Untied...  

Intro:    • If Rammstein wrote 'You Spin Me Round'  

0:00 Intro
2:52 Like a Record
3:17 Early Game
20:43 The Great Souls
38:19 Drangleic Castle
52:13 DLC

My other Dark Souls 2 runs:
Seppuku Only:    • Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 By Stabbing...  
Without even Creating a character:    • Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 Without Cre...  
Torch and Immolation only guide:    • Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 By Setting ...  
How to Beat Dark Souls 2 with a Bell:    • Can I Beat Dark Souls 2 With Only a C...  
How to beat Dark Souls 2 as a Butterfly:    • Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 as a Poison...  
Dark Souls 2 SL1 NG+7 Broken Straightsword & crossbow (all stats at 6):
   • Dark Souls 2 - SL1 NG+7 - Broken Stra...  
Dark Souls 2 SL1 Beginners Guide:    • How to Survive Your First SL1 Run in ...  
Dark Souls 2 Mimic Head / No Healing Livestreams:    • Mimic Head / No Healing Run (NG+) Dar...  

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Outro song:    • Видео  
Track: Monster Fight by Sinyells
Music Provided by: Smokinkat


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