MGB - "Shakin' All Over" - Jeff Walls Memorial - 06/07/19

Описание к видео MGB - "Shakin' All Over" - Jeff Walls Memorial - 06/07/19

What?.. solo? ...Oh!.... A loose but intensely raucous "Shakin' All Over" by Johnny Kidd & the Pirates flexing muscle of the Who. Five years earlier Jeff Walls & Murrary Attaway (as Blasting Cap with Phyllis Walls & Robert Schmidt) played this with Michael as guest guitarist (also at the Foundry). MGB (Michael Guthrie Band) performed with Dreams So Real, Don Dixon, Holly Golightly & Lawyer Dave, and Murray Attaway among others in tribute to the late, great Jeff Walls, he of Guadalcanal Diary and The Woggles fame. Promoted as "See My Friends", the show was held at the Foundry in Athens, Ga.    • MGB - "Speak To Me" -  Jeff Walls Mem...  
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