Lighthouse - by Seth Hoffman - Tiny Desk Contest Entry 2024

Описание к видео Lighthouse - by Seth Hoffman - Tiny Desk Contest Entry 2024

Who or what or where is your lighthouse in life?

May it always help guide your way.

(Painting by Leo Neufeld)

“Lighthouse” written and performed by Seth Hoffman

Verse 1:
Will I stay in the holy land, will I play in a holy band?
Will I ever undertsand, It’s really hard to say, let’s take it day by day.
But if I had to guess, what are the chances,
It turns out, this way.

Been looking all around, but still haven’t found,
That one thing to make me stay.

Sometimes I wonder what it’s all about,
Do I really even want to go on, good God
Maybe I’d be better at the bottom of the ocean,
Is it time to get gone?

If I had a Lighthouse, when I’m lost at sea,
Lighthouse, I feel you close to me.
My lighthouse, when I’m out there alone.
My lighthouse, let’s me know I’m home,
Instrumental – Good God!

Verse 2:
Will I wake up from this dream? Will I stay here in Bat Galim?
Will I keep flowing gently down the stream, merrily along, life is like a song.
But when you think of this tune, dance in the chaos and notice the moon,
And be sweet to each other.
Will it be alright, well here’s hopin’
When one door closes another door opens to guide your way.

PreChorus + Chorus


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