India 37: Varanasi:walkabout: Manakarnika’s ‘burning’ Ghat— all others SD 480p

Описание к видео India 37: Varanasi:walkabout: Manakarnika’s ‘burning’ Ghat— all others SD 480p

Description & Key Moments:
It’s the human activity along the Ganges River’s ghats that is interesting, the ghats are themselves often boring. (Full disclosure)
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0:00 *** INTRO Varanasi, Zostel Hostel, walkabout down to Ganges ghats
06:45 ** Manmandir Ghat
08:46 Tripura Bhairavi Ghat
10:22 Lalita Ghat
17:10 *** Manakarnika Ghat: 2nd most important ‘burning’ ghat,
18:57 Scindia Ghat
19:37 Sankatha Ghat
20:47 Ganga Mahal Ghat
21:11 Bohnsale Ghat
22:50 Peshwa's Shree Ganesh Mandir
23:36 Medpa (sic) Ghat
23:52 Ram Ghat
24:04 Mehrotha Silk — old advertisement?
24:40 Jatar Ghat &
24:40 Raja Gwalior Ghat
26:54 Bidumadhav Ghat
27:59 Durga Ghat
28:07 Brahma Ghat
29:31 Hanumangadi Ghat
31:40 Badrinarayon Ghat
31:57 Trilochan Ghat
32:27 Gola Ghat
32:45 Nandeshwar Ghat
34:19 Sakka Ghat
35:00 Telianala Ghat
36:15 Naya Ghat
36:26 Prahlad Ghat
36:46 Nishad Ghat
37:05 Rani Ghat
38:57 Raj Ghat
39:26 walkabout away from Ganges
47:36 Brown Bread Bakery
49:17 street food. ???


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