achieve your goals by being disciplined, coming from a place of self-love

Описание к видео achieve your goals by being disciplined, coming from a place of self-love

hey friends - welcome to my channel!

i wanted to share with you how i achieve goals by being disciplined - coming from a place of self-love and compassion. learn how to get clear on your "why" (why you want to achieve your goals) and use discipline to show up for yourself.

song credits:
Song: The Clear
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
| Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
 • Link:    • [No Copyright Music] The Clear - Chil...  

Track: Medved
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios
| Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
 • Link:    • [No Copyright Music] Medved - Calm Ac...  


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