Bing Thunderbolt Overload build concept for SS5 | Torchlight: Infinite

Описание к видео Bing Thunderbolt Overload build concept for SS5 | Torchlight: Infinite

builder if you want to check what i was wearing easier:

idk how good this would be endgame, might be a fun second build to push and min-max.
Idea is to dualwield Twisted Branch to get 100% of skill area increases also as projectile speed, and then get a lot of increased and additional damage from both. skill area is an easier stat to stack a ton of instead of proj speed.

A lot of the stuff this build relies on gets buffed next season:
Bing gets more spell burst stacks
new Twisted Branch is better rolled by default (40-50%)
Blind Vision gives 30% ADDITIONAL damage based on projectile speed.


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