Physical Place, Digital Space: Libraries as Community Hubs | Michael Blackwell | TEDxGreatMills

Описание к видео Physical Place, Digital Space: Libraries as Community Hubs | Michael Blackwell | TEDxGreatMills

The changing role of libraries as innovative spaces. Libraries have gone from book warehouse to community center, computer lab, literacy center, job help center, education provider, Maker Space, and in some cases social service agency and meal provider. Our buildings and services have changed to meet community needs and provide increasing digital access. Michael Blackwell is the Director of St. Mary's County Library. Here serves as the Co-chair of the America Library Association's Architecture for Public Library's Committee and as Project Manager for ReadersFirst, an international cooperative of nearly 300 libraries. He has presented and published frequently on library spaces and trends and library digital content issues. You may follow him on Twitter at @Aeolussurf or This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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