Ian Hunt’s Tales from the Vault - Independence Collection

Описание к видео Ian Hunt’s Tales from the Vault - Independence Collection

July 4th marks the most important date of our history as a nation - Independence. To commemorate this day, ALPLM Acquisitions Chief Dr. Ian Hunt shares items from our vast collection that have a connection to America’s founding, highlighted by an opportunity to see our copy of the Gettysburg Address. Written in Lincoln’s hand, it’s only one of five copies in existence. Lincoln’s address connected the struggle of the Civil War to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and has since been regarded as one of the most powerful expressions of freedom and liberty.

In this video you’ll also see and learn about how Lincoln’s grandfather fought in the American Revolution and his purchase of a “fife and drum” for his soldiers and how subsequent generations of Americans have celebrated our nation’s Independence. You will see displays of patriotism and how our nation has grown since those fateful days in 1776.


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