Overcome Fear Of Rejection - Reclaim Your Confidence | Subliminal Binaural Beats

Описание к видео Overcome Fear Of Rejection - Reclaim Your Confidence | Subliminal Binaural Beats

Rejection is a very unpleasant experience that can bring you down or lift you high up, depending on your interpretation. Those who fear rejection view it as something horrific that must be avoided at all costs.

The main reason for fearing rejection, especially in romantic relationships, is because the one who fears being rejected is granting the other person exclusive responsibility for their self-esteem. They’re giving their power away to someone else.

The belief that the other person (your date, boss, or whoever) can increase or decrease your self-worth, a quality that in fact belongs only to you, is fundamentally wrong.

This subliminal will help you view yourself positively and more powerfully. In addition, you will understand that not everyone has to – or will - like you, and you will learn to accept that and be okay with it. You will also grow strong roots and interpret rejection as an empowering experience, which can boost your personal growth.

Binaural beats: base frequency is 528 Hz (Solfeggio frequencies) with 10 Hz Alpha waves. To benefit from Binaural beats, headphones are a must.

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The affirmations of this recording -
I am a worthy, valuable and deserving individual
I am the only one who has the authority to determine my own worth
My sense of self is just fine, however, others choose to perceive me
I always maintain high self-esteem under any circumstances and whatever events happen in my life
I appreciate, value and respect myself
I know my high worth and the value I have to offer to society
I dare to take risks and approach people further and share my best intentions
I accept rejection as a positive and empowering experience
Rejection is merely other people’s story about me
The interpretations which others have of who I am are their business only
I take risks and wholeheartedly pursue my highest goals
I always think positively about myself, regardless of how others may feel about me
Everyday I become more and more confident and outgoing
I enjoy meeting new people
Rejections open the door to better opportunities
I love and accept myself despite how others may feel about me
If someone rejects me, it only increases my self-worth
If someone rejects me, it makes me grow stronger and stronger
I always stay relaxed in intimidating social situations
I am a strong, capable, powerful and grounded individual in any social situation
I am starting to open my heart and spirit and take chances so that I can grow in my life
I remain confident, joyful and courageous even though I might be rejected
I give myself permission to be confident and carefree in social interactions
My high self-confidence always overcomes any fear of rejection
I use rejection as a tool for learning, growing and improving in all ways and at all times


Royalty-Free Music:
Story Blocks license agreement (formerly audioblocks):

*Each recording on this channel contains different affirmations that match the subject of the specific video. All of the embedded hidden affirmations and most of the brainwave entrainment are created uniquely by me.

*What are subliminal messages? These are hidden commands that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so.

Disclaimer: Do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these videos. If you feel uncomfortable while listening, simply listen at low to barely audible levels. In the very unlikely event that you experience discomfort, please discontinue use. This recording along with any other recordings on my channel should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment. This audio/video does not diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, see a doctor. The information on the Vortex Success YouTube channel is provided solely for informational purposes on an “as is“ basis and “as available” basis at user's sole risk. Vortex Success shall not be responsible or liable for any results of listening to these recordings and makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and, errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the information or for any user's reliance on the information.


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