Jam View - Unofficial GameBoy Jam

Описание к видео Jam View - Unofficial GameBoy Jam

A brief look at of alot of the Windows entries in the UGBJ, there were alot of good entries I'm happy I got to try.
Something went wrong with my video capture software and the low resolution of some of the games ended up not turning out great.
For this I apologize.

The Jam ►► https://itch.io/jam/unofficial-gbjam1

Good -
Br8k0ut ►► https://gumichan01.itch.io/gumi-breakout
Candy Forest ►► https://saidawoolf.itch.io/candy-forest
Daikenriden ►► https://madalaski.itch.io/daikenriden
Dungeon Get Away ►► https://alienfx.itch.io/dungeon-getaway
Last Electric Samuri 2 ►► https://applehoro.itch.io/the-last-el...
Operation Yabuka ►► https://8bits-fanatics.itch.io/yabuka
Owyn's Adventure ►► https://gazoid.itch.io/owyns-adventure
Space Repair ►► https://jnjbaggott1.itch.io/space-repair
Tiny Card Battle ►► https://saranomy.itch.io/tcb
Wild Horse ►► https://haharo.itch.io/wild-horse

Okay -
Ball! ►► https://jet-drift.itch.io/ball
Baphy's Chest ►► https://m1sty.itch.io/baphy
Blocks of Battle ►► https://riotpopper.itch.io/blocks-of-...
Captain Smash ►► https://indiealchemist.itch.io/captai...
Dark Magellan ►► https://angry-ed.itch.io/dark-magella...
Justice Bear : Underline ►► https://cr0ss.itch.io/justice-bear-un...
SlabS ►► https://more-retrogames.itch.io/slabs
Star Scatter ►► https://coffeedevelop.itch.io/starsca...
Wizmo's Adventure ►► https://thetaandpi.itch.io/wizmos-adv...

Bad -
Blobby ►► https://hubix9.itch.io/fweafawf
Gentlemen Behold ►► https://montydrake.itch.io/gentlemen-...
NOE ►► https://hairein.itch.io/noe-nap-of-th...
Red Hood Monster Slayer ►► https://alandiniz.itch.io/red-hood-mo...
Some Guys GameBoi Game►► https://gabenewellfromsteam.itch.io/s...


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