[CHN|PINYIN|ENG] Idol Producer 偶像练习生 The Orcs Team A 半兽人A组 colour coded lyrics

Описание к видео [CHN|PINYIN|ENG] Idol Producer 偶像练习生 The Orcs Team A 半兽人A组 colour coded lyrics

this is so long overdue but! why has no one done it. so i have come to save d day

audio:    • 【偶像练习生】A组《半兽人》AUDIO  
chn: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/ban-sh... (i used google translate to change it to simplified JHFSGF)
pinyin: chickyjun
eng & colour coding:    • Видео  

b friends with me!! my twt: @biwenjunhui ❤


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