Deats Of My Favorite Heroes Part III

Описание к видео Deats Of My Favorite Heroes Part III

Heroes Quotes :

"May the Force be with you." - Luke skywalker
"ROARRRR!". - Godzilla
""Master! If only you could only hear me,I want to tell you how much you mean to " - Lucario
"We choose what holds us back and what move us forward"- Master Splinter
"I won't kill my allies, even if it costs me my life! Because I'm Great Gozu!" - Great Gozu
"I'm Animus." - Animus
"That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?" - Lee Everett
"One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall!." - Optimus Prime
"I'm proud of you, you proved to be someone brave." - Big Dabby


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