Anton Davidyants - Concerto For Bass (composer Alexander Rosenblatt)

Описание к видео Anton Davidyants - Concerto For Bass (composer Alexander Rosenblatt)

Due to many many questions regarding the sound and "lack" of bass in this video, I need to tell you something - please USE your headphones 🙂 I didn't think I'll need to expain that. But yeah, you're NOT gonna hear enough bass from your smartphone. So please use either headphones or new macbooks/ipads - they also have very decent and loud speakers.

I’ve been waiting for this moment since the 10th of July. About 3 months ago I recorded this extremely beautiful and, in my opinion, masterpiece of a composition with the Omsk Philharmonic Orchestra. This is a Concerto for Bass that was written exclusively for me by one of my favorite composers of our era, Alexander Rosenblatt. Some of you probably saw my posts about this Concerto a year ago. Then I had a concert in Omsk and made some amateur recordings on my iPhone, which I partly posted.
Now I finally recorded it professionally with the Omsk Philharmonic! I flew to Omsk from Shanghai just to make this recording. Finally I can show the Concerto to you guys as well as to some conductors that might be interested in including it in their concert program. Btw, if you know conductors or organizers that might be interested in this, don’t hesitate to drop me a message :)

It took me 3 months to finish mixing and recording because I was insanely busy all the time. Now I finally had some free days, selected all the takes, and went to a studio where I mixed and edited it.

Now I want to express my huge gratitude to people without whom this project would not have been possible.

First of all, Alexander Rosenblatt himself, who dedicated 5 months of his life to compose such a masterpiece. Alexander, no words can describe how grateful and blessed I am to have you as my closest friend in our musical family and play your incredible music.
Side note, Alexander knew my mother even before I was born, because they both were studying at Moscow Conservatory of Music. So he has known me since I was a 3 months old or something. Who would’ve guessed that 33 years later I’ll be playing music that he created especially for me. It’s a very touching moment for me, honestly. Thank you, my guru and friend!

Secondly, I would like to thank Mike Romanyuk for whom without his support this project would never see the light of day. Thank you so much for supporting and believing in this project!

Then I’d like to thank Dmitry Vasiliev - the conductor of the orchestra. I’m extremely grateful for letting me record this with you!

Mixing was done by an old friend of mine Ilya Lukashev, who happened to be one of the best sound engineers in Russia. He did it within 4 hours today btw. I was shocked by how fast he worked and his professionalism. Thank you, Ilia!

For video editing, I’d like to thank Valeria Rozhuk. She also did a great job within no time. We did sound and video both within like 6 hours in total. I’m very impressed.

A very special thanks go to one of my favorite pianists and closest friends Julia Perminova. She recorded keyboard parts being on a cruise ship in Caribbean Sea! She's not in the video, but you can hear exactly her beautiful piano playing including a keyboard solo section.

Thanks to my best friend in China and Hong Kongese brother Steve Ma for lending me this beautiful Ken Smith bass. Sounds incredible.
And also thanks to my favorite bass luthier in Germany Reiner Dobbratz for making this Le Fay Fretless with a stainless steel fingerboard, I'm also using this bass for the middle ballad part.

Thanks to my favorite drummer in Russia Ignat Kravtsov who flew with me to Omsk to support the orchestra. You rock, bro!

Again, I’m very thankful for each and everyone of you!

And now.. please enjoy the result of our efforts. For me it’s one of the most exciting projects I have ever participated in and I would love to keep doing more and more orchestral works. It’s an incomparable feeling I’m telling you :)

Sorry for such a long description but I needed to thank everyone.



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