Sir Paul Collier on how migration is changing our world and why we have to regulate it differently

Описание к видео Sir Paul Collier on how migration is changing our world and why we have to regulate it differently

Following the publication of his book Exodus: How migration is changing our world, Sir Paul Collier believed his home country, the UK, was mature enough for a rational discussion about migration. “But I was wrong,” he adds at the opening of his keynote address on migration for the 2017 Wirtschaftspodium discussion.

Migration is arguably one of the defining issues of our age, but has becoming increasingly confused and conflated with similar but unrelated matters. Migrants are not refugees, explained Collier: migrants move out of hope for a better life and improved economic prospects to a country of their choosing. Refugees, by contrast, are compelled to leave against their will and are often received by reluctant hosts forcing both parties into an uneasy cohabitation. And while there is a moral duty and obligation to help refugees, there is no automatic or moral right to migrate. People migrate out of self-interest, and this creates so-called “externalities,” both in the countries they move to, but even more so in their countries of origin.

Sir Paul Collier is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government and a Professorial Fellow of St Antony’s College. He is a Director of the International Growth Centre and a Professeur invité at Sciences Po, Paris.

His research covers fragile states; the effects of aid and the problems of democracy in low-income and natural resources rich societies; urbanization in low-income countries; private investment in African infrastructure and changing organizational cultures.

Recent books include The Bottom Billion (Oxford University Press, 2007) which in 2008 won the Lionel Gelber, Arthur Ross and Corine prizes and in May 2009 was the joint winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distin- guished Book prize. His latest book is Exodus: How migration is changing our world (Oxford University Press, 2013).

In 2014, Paul received a knighthood for services to promoting research and policy change in Africa. The Economist named him one of the world’s most thoughtful economists who’s books consistently illuminate and provoke.

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