Shane - An Echo of Anger (S01E04) (1966) with Warren Oates

Описание к видео Shane - An Echo of Anger (S01E04) (1966) with Warren Oates

When four members of the Spicer family ride into town, Kemp immediately announces they are there to kill Shane. Shane soon discovers they plan on killing him to avenge him for another family member who's life, they claim, Shane took. Shane denies this fact, however. Ryker himself sides with Shane, and they may soon be facing a shootout.

Cast: David Carradine, Jill Ireland, Tom Tully, Christopher Shea, Warren Oates, Cliff Osmond, Charles Kuenstle, Phil Chambers, Richard Evans, Sam Gilman and Bert Freed
Written by: Robert Hardin, Peter Nasco and Jack Schaefer
Directed by: Gary Nelson

This episode originally aired on October 1, 1966.


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