sadhguru -conclussions about the cosmos

Описание к видео sadhguru -conclussions about the cosmos

- We are just a minuscule in this universe.
-This planet is a speck in the larger cosmos,solar system itself is a smaller speck.
-We are too small to make any conclusions about the cosmos.
-Beauty of being human is we can not grab everything in the universe, but if we are willing we can perceive everything in the universe.
-Its only what we perceive we know. rest is all imagination.
- Ivolve tools for enhancing our perception.
- Idea of success, what is success, what is wellbeing..
-To be a leader. Vision is an important part of being a leader.
- Ivolve in your consciousness.
- The most important thing that everybody needs to constantly remind themselves of is that you are mortal, that means you have an expiry date.
- "I Do Not Know"- is the biggest possibility in your life.
-The most immense thing in your life is -I do not know.


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