Armored Core VI Walkthrough - NG Ch3 M10 "Defend the Old Spaceport" Story + Combat Logs Raven Fight

Описание к видео Armored Core VI Walkthrough - NG Ch3 M10 "Defend the Old Spaceport" Story + Combat Logs Raven Fight

Cool, so we've just attacked the spaceport, time to defend it. It's gonna be a grand battle, You've got another fleet to destroy, huge amounts of enemies to take down. You've even got friends this time, it's gonna rock! Pick your favourite general purpose loadout and get ready to...

... Admire the smoking ruins of everything that was supposed to stand in your way or help you. You're too late, you lost. There's just one dude (or dudette, it's never really clear, but I'm gonna say it's a guy) standing on top of a wreck who does a badass turn and mask up and launches at you. This is not an easy fight for those new to the game.

This is the guy who you took the name from. Remember way back at the start of the game where you stole a name from a body being guarded by an absurdly strong helicopter? Yeah it's him. Still alive. Not really sure what the plot was there, maybe a faked death?

Anyway he's got a pilebunker, which means you don't want to be in close range and staggered. He's got Songbirds, so you need to be change direction fast enough when he fires them or you'll be staggered (then BUNKED), an assault rifle of some kind (which is... usually pretty meh but keeps the pressure on) and some pincer missiles which are marginally hard to dodge because they come from multiple directions. Aren't you glad you brought anti-mook weapons for a protracted battle like the briefing suggested? Me neither. Which is why I suggest a loadout designed to hit ACs hard and fast. Pistols and a pulse blade, as usual.

Speak of missiles, get airborne ASAP then get ready to quickboost diagonally when the missiles come in. Turn on your hardlock (and if you're on PC, turn the mouse over so it doesn't read inputs by accident) and keep close, hammering Nightfall until stagger then hit him with the pulse blade. I've noted that Nightfall has a stupidly fast stagger recovery (as in... game is cheating unfairly fast), so I took the pulse blade rather than any of the other melee weapons as its hardest hitting attack (two swings) isn't its charge attack.

If you're too close when he breaks stagger you'll get either songbirds or ASSAULT ARMOR in your face, quickly followed by a charged pilebunker. Boy doesn't mess around... Speaking of Assault Armor, remember that you probably have it too. You can stop between pulse blade swings to pop it and he's still close enough to do massive damage if he's staggered.

So yeah, he's the combat log. And if you're anything like the average player, this is gonna take you a few tries first time around.


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