TH 407 Christology & Soteriology with Dr. David Mappes

Описание к видео TH 407 Christology & Soteriology with Dr. David Mappes

What is Christology? Soteriology?
They're just “fancy” terms to talk about the person and work of Jesus Christ. In this hybrid course, which features an innovative approach to learning including discussion forums, you'll learn the orthodox views of the nature and person of Christ. Other topics include justification, the nature of conversion, election, how to lead someone to Christ, what is saving faith, and more!

Watch to learn more about Dr. David Mappes and take the challenge to participate in TH 407 Christology & Soteriology this Fall.

For more info see the syllabus here:

If you haven't applied to Chafer yet start HERE:

Register for TH 407 Christology & Soteriology August 1–23 on the Chafer Seminary website (if you've already applied) HERE:

Check out the rest of our fall schedule:


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