Row on, Row on - optimistic for a better tomorrow

Описание к видео Row on, Row on - optimistic for a better tomorrow

Gale Huntingdon found this song in the logbook of the whaleship “Three Brothers, Nantucket, 1846”. Tim Laycock gave it an epic tune. So many harmonic opportunities that could be the lead line – this is the one I think that I have heard in the pub

Clouds are upon a summer’s sky
There's thunder in the wind
Pull, pull away and homeward hie
Nor give one look behind
Row on; row on, another day
May shine with brighter light
Ply, ply the oars and pull away
There’s dawn beyond the night

Where e’er thou goest the words of love
Say all that words can say
Changeless affections strength to prove
But speed upon the way

Like yonder river will I glide
To where my heart would be
My barque should soon out sail the tide
That hurries to the sea

And yet a star shines constant still
Through yonder cloudy sky
And hope like this my bosom fill
From faith that cannot die

Row on; row on God speed the wave
Thou must not linger here
Clouds hang about the closing day
Tomorrow may be clear


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