Jack and Jill Rhyme - Be Strong & Stay Strong!

Описание к видео Jack and Jill Rhyme - Be Strong & Stay Strong!

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. "Jack and Jill" nursery rhyme.

This rhyme will teach your kids to be strong enough to face the challenges in their life.

Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme Lyrics:

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water,

Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.

where there is a will
There is a way
You got to walk all the way

Try and Try
With your head high
You will succeed faster...

Jack and Jill
With a Strong Will
Went again up the hill...

Both were firm
Not to fall
Brought down the pail of water

Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2016 ChuChu TV™ Studios
Video: Copyright 2016 ChuChu TV™ Studios


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