Reconditioning your car battery (desulfator) Part 1

Описание к видео Reconditioning your car battery (desulfator) Part 1

This is the first video in a series I will do on reviving your old, tired car or general purpose lead acid batteries.
Part 1 is a basic overview of my setup and a beginning example of "proof on concept" as the two batteries I am currently desulfating in this video are a week apart in progress. In another video in the near future I will show my results at the 1 month progress mark for both of these batteries. In another upcoming video I will go into more detail on how you can easily purchase the parts to make your own desulfator and assemble it.
I have already used these desulfators to revive a Ford F250 battery and a small John Deere Tractor battery for my place of employment. They wouldn't start either vehicle when they were given to me. The batteries have been back in service for a month without any problems since they were desulfated.

Here is the link to part 2 which goes a little deeper into building the circuit itself:
   • Reconditioning your car battery (desu...  

Here is the link to part 3 which shows how to connect the led to the circuit to show you that it is working:
   • Reconditioning your car battery (desu...  

Here is the link to part 4 which shows some basic troubleshooting points on the circuit:
   • Reconditioning your car battery (desu...  

Check out my Amazon store which will have a list of all the products I review and use in my projects:


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