Hooked on a Feeling ☀️ Complete LGBTQ+ Warrior Cats shipping MAP

Описание к видео Hooked on a Feeling ☀️ Complete LGBTQ+ Warrior Cats shipping MAP


Special thanks to all the participants for being so patient! This MAP went through absolute production hell and back because of dropped parts and my own personal life getting in the way, but she’s finally done and i couldn’t be more happy with the result! Everybody did so amazing! Check out the parts playlist / channels below and give everyone plenty of love, this project wouldn’t have been possible without all of you guys!

This is a silly shipping MAP focusing on LGBTQ+ headcanons and pairings! (Please don’t start headcanon discourse in the comments nobody care) it was originally going to be out during June to celebrate pride month, but any time of the year is a good time to be queer, and why not celebrate with gay cats.

Parts playlist :    • Hooked on a Feeling 🌤️  

Intro- That One Dude / Party_c1ty (Leafstar x Echosong)
1- riverstarz​⁠​⁠ (Tall Shadow x Rainswept flower)
2- ​⁠Party_c1ty (Mimnowtail x Hazeltail)
3- Party_C1ty (Micah x Moth Flight)
4- ​⁠​⁠​⁠Cookie Cat Krestel (Fireheart x Graystripe x Ravenpaw)
5- Sapphirecat0930​⁠ (Princess x Sandstorm)
6- toastedk_t​⁠ (Ferncloud x Tawnypelt x Feathertail )
7- ​⁠​⁠ Otterrama (Bluestar x Yellowfang
8- Chaoticferal​⁠ (Jayfeather x Briarlight x Fallen Leaves x Half Moon)
​⁠ 9- Chatoicferal (Brightheart x Cloudtail)
10- ​⁠ inkyprism (Spottedleaf x Scourge)
11- ​⁠ Glow Sticks (Nightcloud x Leafpool x Feathertail)
12- Dizzyglitchez (Tallstar x Jake)
13- ​⁠​⁠Badgerfrost Draws (Squirrelflight x Mothwing x Moonlight)
14- D0GGYCH0W ​⁠(Lionblaze x Mousewhisker)
15- ​⁠​⁠ D0GGYCH0W (queerplatonic Rock x Midnight)
16- ​⁠ Moonlight (Cinderheart x Hollyleaf)
17- xxRicklexx (Hawkfrost x Ashfur)
18- ​⁠nightanimations (Gray Wing x Bright Stream x Turtle Tail)
19- Kittyeyeye​⁠ (Jayfeather x Kestrelflight)
20- ​⁠​⁠ Inkyprism (Echoberry)
Outro- Kittyeyeye (Needleclaw x Spotfur)


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