Reb Zalman on the Core Teachings of Jewish Renewal (December 12, 2007)

Описание к видео Reb Zalman on the Core Teachings of Jewish Renewal (December 12, 2007)

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (1924-2014) gives a short shiur (lesson) on the Core Teachings of Jewish Renewal for Limmud from the library of his home in Boulder, Colorado on December 12, 2007. Video by Michael Kosacoff.

From the year 2000 to 2014, Boulder psychotherapist, Michael Kosacoff (1939-2020), filmed hundreds of private sessions, public talks, and events with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (mostly in Boulder, Colorado). In 2018, Kosacoff offered to collaborate with the Yesod Foundation in making his private collection of video recordings of Schachter-Shalomi and others available to the public on Youtube. Described by Netanel Miles-Yépez.

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