Garden Expert Tastes The Best Mango Varieties

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Garden Expert Tastes The Best Mango Varieties

My friend John Kohler from @growingyourgreens on youtube visited South Florida at the right time, Mango Season. I think this is the first time in a long time he has been here during mango season.

In this video I got to share some of my favorite mangos with John and got his reaction.

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John Kohler''s Youtube channel's
Growing Your Greens @growingyourgreens
Discount Juicers @rawfoods
Okray @okraw

ST Maui originated in Hawaii and was evaluated by the University of Hawaii's research program under the name S-T (which is someone's initials, not an abbreviation for "saint"). No literature exists describing it but we speculate Piri or White Piri was in its parentage. It did not receive recommendation from UH but was sent to Florida by Richard Hamilton to Richard Campbell, who introduced it to the germplasm collections in Miami-DadeCounty.

The fruit are round in shape, medium sized, developing striking red blush with green/yellow background at maturity. The flesh is firm, fiberless, and light yellow, often displaying unusual (but harmless) white spots. The flavor is tremendous and very unique, with a sweet and resinous spice character and a detectable note of guava fruit. The seed is monoembryonic.

Though it is difficult to classify, It probably belongs in the Indian/West Indian flavor group, and It's one of our favorite tasting mangos, with a nice shelf life as well.

The trees are extremely vigorous growers with spreading growth habit and dense canopy, not suitable for small yards.

They have medium anthracnose tolerance, and set fruit well when they flower. They are not precocious trees though, and have had only partial blooms during warm winters.

Still, we feel ST Maui is a special mango. We are evaluating it for resistance to the newer diseases and so far it is holding up well.

It is a mid-season variety in Florida, maturing mostly in July.

Phoenix is an exceptional selection from the breeding program of Gary Zill of Boynton Beach, FL, and was a 'Jakarta' seedling (planting # C-26). The tree was so named after the mythological Phoenix because it was cut back for removal but came back later and fruited. We planted several in 2017 and have a few grafted to Gary Zill's experimental dwarfing rootstocks as well.

The fruit is roundly shaped, medium-sized and usually develops some red/orange color at maturity. The flesh is yellow-orange, fiberless but firm, with a monoembryonic seed. The flavor of Phoenix has been difficult for us to classify but falls somewhere between classic and Indian flavor, with a strong subacid component to balance out its rich sweetness and having some resin present.

Regardless, we consider Phoenix to be an elite flavored mango and one of the best of the newer varieties. The trees flower well for us in south Florida and are vigorous, vertically orientated growers with open canopy. We would grade them as average producers for us thus far. The fruit have good resistance to mango bacterial black spot, but the flowers are very prone to both anthracnose and powdery mildew, so disease prevention or avoidance is important to achieving good crops with Phoenix.

Flavor: Indian/West Indian

Country: Florida - USA


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