How to Make a Worm Tower: by Morag Gamble

Описание к видео How to Make a Worm Tower: by Morag Gamble

A Worm tower will directly feed the soil with your food waste - no double handling. Here's how to make a super simple and effective worm farm to keep your edible garden soil flourishing with life and your veggies thriving.


Permaculture is the skill we all need to learn now to help us through this challenging period. The world urgently needs more permaculture gardens, designers and teachers everywhere. In the series, you will learn about Permaculture and how to make it your life and livelihood with global permaculture ambassador, Morag Gamble ( | https://permacultureeducationinstitut...)


Join Morag's THE INCREDIBLE EDIBLE GARDEN - a practical 9 module online permaculture gardening course. She will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a fabulously productive and thriving edible garden - that doesn’t cost the earth. https://permacultureeducationinstitut...

Practical online permaculture with Morag:


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