Profit First’s Target Allocation Percentages are the ideal percentages that you should be allocating

Описание к видео Profit First’s Target Allocation Percentages are the ideal percentages that you should be allocating

Profit First’s Target Allocation Percentages are the ideal percentages that you should be allocating to profit, owners pay, tax and operating expenses - explaining Target Allocation percentages here… Are you tired of looking at your bank account every day and feeling stressed about your business finances? Profit First by Mike Michalowicz can help you! In this book, he outlines a cash management system that can transform your business. One key aspect is the Target Allocation Percentages (TAPs) which are the ideal percentages of revenue you should be allocating to different buckets in your business such as profit, owner's pay, tax, and operating expenses. The TAPs will vary depending on your business's revenue level and are laid out in the book, but don't worry if your current allocation percentages (CAPs) are far from the ideal targets. The aim is to gradually move towards the TAPs until you reach them, and your business will be significantly more financially healthy. So, if you're a UK small business owner looking to take control of your finances, check out Profit First and start implementing its strategies today! #p#profitfirstm#mikemichalowiczc#cashmanagements#smallbusinessownerU#UKbusinessesf#financialhealtht#targetallocationpercentagesp#profitfirstukprofitfirstprofessional


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