King Arthur (2004) - Tribute to the Graceful, Beloved Queen, Guinevere...

Описание к видео King Arthur (2004) - Tribute to the Graceful, Beloved Queen, Guinevere...

“The coach rumbles and bumps over the rough dirt road as Guinevere rides south toward Camelot. She is wearing a blue silk dress, lovely, but, she realizes, quite unpractical for travel. Her two ladies-in-waiting, sitting across from her, are silent, as the noise of the wheels and constant shaking of the coachbox make conversation difficult, leaving Guinevere alone with her thoughts. The choice she has made is a hard one, and even now she wonders if she has chosen rightly, wishing things could be different. She has always wanted to marry, of course, and she would do anything to protect her people, just as her Father has --yet it breaks her heart to think Arthur might someday wish to leave the land she has known all her life, though he has every quality she could wish for in a husband, she knows she will still have to learn to love.”

In an attempt to save the new nation, Merlin formalized a plan to keep Arthur, and Britannia, from faltering.

Guinevere is portrayed in a unique way, not only in appearance and personality, but also in character. She is very beautiful and having captured Arthur's heart, she maintains a very close relationship with the First Knight, Lancelot.

Although she loves Lancelot as a close friend, their affair in the past, Guinevere remains fiercely loyal to Arthur... She also feels Arthur turned out to be far less Roman than she had feared, and is easy to love as well, and... she has taken her place as Queen.

Played by: Keira Knightley

KoRT clan site:

1st: Within Temptation - Ice Queen
2nd: Secret Garden - Windancer
3rd: Within Temptation - Stand My Ground


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