Warframe - Creative Director Interview I Digital Extremes: F2P "changed us fundamentally"

Описание к видео Warframe - Creative Director Interview I Digital Extremes: F2P "changed us fundamentally"

"It has changed us fundamentally."

That's what Digital Extremes creative director Steve Sinclair had to say about the studio shifting to F2P with Warframe. GRTV spoke to the creator as the action title was shown at Gamescom, discussing the reception the game's gotten.

"It has changed us fundamentally. Fundamentally to our core," he explained. "Because we don't work for publisher anymore; we work for players.

"The reason I'm actually [at Gamescom] showing it on PS4 is because our players bought Founders packages, they supported the game, got behind it and said - 'you know what, maybe a publisher didn't believe in a space ninja game, but we sure as hell do'."

The title's had such a positive reception, it altered the company's whole game plan in a year and a half. "When we started Warframe last March, we had ten guys, then thirty. We worked on a prototype, put it into a closed beta. It just took off. Then we started saying 'no' to projects.

Now we can build Warframe as massive as possible. We hired our own PR, our own community support. Warframe is pretty big in Japan, so we hired people that could speak Japanese so they could do our customer support. So it has changed the company fundamentally - in a great way, a awesome way!"

According to Sinclair, the model's going to work in their favour as they release the PS4 come launch.

"We're going to be there, day and date [of the PS4 launch]. You're going to spend all your money on PS4 - but no money left for games. You can play Warframe, the free space ninja game!"


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