Nuclei Class 12 Physics | NCERT Chapter 13 | CBSE NEET JEE | One Shot

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0:00 Introduction
0:41 Nucleus
1:42 Composition of Nucleus
4:24 Measurement of Atomic Mass
5:20 Atom of elements
9:22 Size of Nucleus
14:25 Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equivalence
15:09 Nuclear binding energy
22:02 Nuclear Binding energy & Mass defect
24:53 Nuclear binding energy per nucleon
34:54 Nuclear Force
36:38 Nuclear Energy
37:18 Types of Nuclear reactions
38:02 Nuclear Fission
41:21 Uncontrolled chain reaction
43:37 Controlled chain reaction
45:12 Uncontrolled chain reaction
45:30 Controlled chain reaction
45:40 Nuclear Reactor
47:25 Nuclear Reactor:Moderators
49:29 Nuclear Reactor:Control Rods
50:21 Construction of Nuclear Reactor
52:26 Advantages & Disadvantages of Nuclear Reactor
53:46 Nuclear Fusion
55:25 Thermonuclear Fusion
55:59 Energy generation in Sun (formerly called ExamFear Education) is a Free Education platform with more than 6000 videos on Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English, Science experiments, tips & tricks and motivational videos for Classes 6 to 12.

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