bpb - Rays Turn to Light

Описание к видео bpb - Rays Turn to Light

Summer in its exuberance suffers to be reduced to a single tranquil field or cascading sunset. The vivacious bloom of spring yields to the influence of inevitable maturation, with flora and fauna adopting their truest forms, the world takes on a fullness within its domain, saturated with the heat of life and stirred with the activity of its creatures. It is an abundance of wonder to console us in the escalating strife of enduring beyond youth. bpb captures this dynamic concept of summer so perfectly on these ten tracks.

We hear the swelter of life, the joyous animation of being, the release in a croon cast out into a still, subsiding night, the solace earned in commune with the world at its crescendo. 'Rays Turn to Light' is the conceptual sister album to last year's 'Only Frost Lives Here Now', in every measure the warm antithesis of that equally excellent project. Engaged in context alongside its unsparing companion album, 'Rays Turn to Light' clings to what will be lost by ecological decline and the beauty of its sound sustains a mournful note in their contrast.

VR_161 | Released June 21, 2024

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