What is happening in our skies ? or ... tarmacs ? |

Описание к видео What is happening in our skies ? or ... tarmacs ? |

A lot of mishaps and mismanagements have been happening in the Indian Aviation Space lately. Humongous delays with no proper passenger management, safety issues etc and etc.

I understand that India is in the growth stage of aviation, especially in terms of low-cost carriers, but that doesn't mean one should be subject to poor quality of service and attention ?

In this video, I give a quick brief of the some of the stuff that has been going on with our low cost carriers lately..

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#indigo #spicejet #aviation #india #dgca #flights #airlines #airlinesupdates #vistaranews #airindia #goa #delhi

Indigo captain attacked
SpiceJet Lavatory Door Locked
Indigo passengers made to sit on tarmac


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