One of the best train journeys in the world! The Bergensbanen -Oslo to Bergen, Norway (full version)

Описание к видео One of the best train journeys in the world! The Bergensbanen -Oslo to Bergen, Norway (full version)

The Bergensbanen - April, 2024.

In 6.5 hours, from Oslo to Bergen, Norway, the Bergensbanen takes you through some of the most incredible scenery anywhere in the world.

From the website:
"A trip on the Bergen Line offers one of the most spectacular scenic experiences in Europe. It crosses the Hardangervidda National Park, onto the Hardangervidda plateau, Europe’s largest high mountain plateau.

The Bergen Railway was built in 1909 and runs over the highlands between Oslo and Bergen. These are the two largest cities in Norway. The Bergen Line is Northern Europe’s highest railway line, with Finse being the highest train station at 1,222 metres above sea level."

Norway travel 2024

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