PLEASE REMAIN CALM! Podcast Ep 107 - And We’re Back! Just catching up

Описание к видео PLEASE REMAIN CALM! Podcast Ep 107 - And We’re Back! Just catching up

We come back after taking most of last year off & catch up on all kinds of stuff: Danny's pool, the economy, the good and bad of too much overtime, staffing crises at both of our jobs, stacking PTO vs using it up, flunking a paramedic intern, open neck wounds, freezing on calls, what it's like being a Fire Inspector, Grey's Anatomy, promoting vs being happy at work, missing your partner, real life Weekend at Bernies situations, the difference between co star, guest star, top of show guest star, & why it sucks to go back to co star, & finally, dog bites in unimaginable places. This is a good start to the new year.


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