aZLing's Best Boss Killer | TN#3: TN-4 | 6 op aZLing only

Описание к видео aZLing's Best Boss Killer | TN#3: TN-4 | 6 op aZLing only

TN#3: TN-4 Spectacular Trial | 6 aZLing op only

This one's a raw 17 minute run which is a really long and grueling clear. It looked like a full team was necessary, but as always, optimization calls. A lot of pauses were taken because I really did not want to reset the 5 minute first wave due to bad playing. Yes, it's less clean, but it saves me my sanity.

Notes for the tryhards:
First Wave:
Opener utilizes Robin mines to chip "None of My Business" hp.
Pallas stuns Agenir to remove the rng needed to survive the global range attacks while chipping hp.
Robin helps Pallas to ensure the kills on the left lane otherwise she is overun.
Firewatch gets boss kill right before global range dmg is too intense.
Heavyrain comes back to stall out the end of the wave. This is a two minute stall to get the liquefication bar to the exact right amount for the next wave.

Second Wave:
The liquefaction happens when Andoain is not doing much now.
Pallas comes out early to get rid of the cleaner enemy from last wave.
Firewatch deals with first phase while Irene does the finisher so the kill has some level of control. Second phase is just a well-timed burst down after Firewatch chips a little bit of hp from the corner of her range.
Robin casually solos right lane. Warning: crit mines needed.
There is some rng with the two basic enemy kills in the dodge field but it is tolerable.
Stalling again for two minutes at the end of the wave to preplace everyone.

Third Wave:
Easiest wave luckily.
"None of My Business" gets mined to death.
Firewatch kills Zaaro first hp threshold, Irene gets rid of the second one just in her range. This needs to be done otherwise Zaaro's trap thing slowly kills Irene and Pallas. The third one cannot be stopped, but by then Heavyrain just stalls out first phase. Firewatch skill is delayed for first phase kill for a slower kill to allow liquefication bar to fill and Irene to come back in time.
Second phase has some rng with Heavyrain dodges needed to survive before Pallas comes out with her s2.

Music Used (only OGs remember that this was Botania music):
The Nothing Battles: 08 - Fight for Quiescence
The Nothing Battles: 02 - Endure Emptiness



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