Hiding the keyboard – WeSplit SwiftUI Tutorial 11/11

Описание к видео Hiding the keyboard – WeSplit SwiftUI Tutorial 11/11

Download the completed project here: https://github.com/twostraws/hackingw...

Other parts in Project 1:

Introduction: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/book...

1. Understanding the basic structure of a SwiftUI app:    • Understanding the basic structure of ...  
2. Creating a form:    • Creating a form  –  WeSplit SwiftUI T...  
3. Adding a navigation bar:    • Adding a navigation bar  – WeSplit Sw...  
4. Modifying program state:    • Modifying program state – WeSplit Swi...  
5. Binding state to user interface controls:    • Binding state to user interface contr...  
6. Creating views in a loop:    • Creating views in a loop – WeSplit Sw...  
7. Reading text from the user with TextField:    • Reading text from the user with TextF...  
8. Creating pickers in a form:    • Creating pickers in a form – WeSplit ...  
9. Adding a segmented control for tip percentages:    • Adding a segmented control for tip pe...  
10. Calculating the total per person:    • Calculating the total per person – We...  
11. Hiding the keyboard: This video

Wrap up and challenges: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/book...

You can find the full set of videos, along with transcriptions, challenges, tests, and more, in my free 100 Days of SwiftUI course: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/...

Watch the full 100 Days of SwiftUI playlist here:   • 100 Days of SwiftUI (iOS 17 edition)  


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