AKTINA's Greek Music Journey 2019: Th. Polykandriotis"Evdokias Zeimbekiko" Smashing!!!

Описание к видео AKTINA's Greek Music Journey 2019: Th. Polykandriotis"Evdokias Zeimbekiko" Smashing!!!

From AKTINA's Greek Music Journey 2019 (GMJ) produced by Elena Maroulleti and presented by AKTINA Productions, Inc., at New York's historic theater, The Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College on May 17, 2019. The concert featured Bouzouki Legend Thanasis Polykandriotis, the talented singers, Aris Kampanos and Afroditi Chatzimina accompanied by renowned maestro/pianist Nikos Stratigos, Nikos Kainourgios, guitar, Nikos Nrarilas, drums. In this video, Thanasis Polykandriotis in the Manos Loizos legendary instrumental, "Evdokias Zeimbekiko". This was AKTINA's benefit concert for its New York based public service media, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV, produced and hosted by Elena Maroulleti. Filming, audio mixing and video editing by Tom Stouras. For more information visit, www.aktinafm.com or www.aktinatv.com. The reproduction, redistribution, alteration or re-editing of this video is strictly prohibited, all rights reserved by AKTINA TV. Video may be only shared through AKTINA TV's youtube channel.


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