Westminster Abbey = Part 6 = Tudor/ Stuart/ Plantagenet Tombs = Elizabeth I & Mary Queen of Scots +

Описание к видео Westminster Abbey = Part 6 = Tudor/ Stuart/ Plantagenet Tombs = Elizabeth I & Mary Queen of Scots +

Westminster Abbey = The Lady Chapel, side chapels. Recorded on Wednesday 15th March 2023.

Now, if you think our modern day families are bad = meet this lot ⬇️

Left side small chapel, within The Lady Chapel

(1) The Tomb of Elizabeth I & Mary I "Tudor Sisters, daughters to King HenryVIII, & bitter enemies in life. When Elizabeth died on the 24th March 1603 = England lost its last ruling Tudor!! & Then came a new King & Dynasty "King James VI of Scotland & I of England." The first things he did, were to have his predecessor Queen Elizabeth I's last resting "marked with a fine monument" = Elizabeth who was much loved by her people "got a fine marble effigy" = whereas Mary I = who was not so loved "got merely a black marble nameplate." King James, hoped that Burying the two sisters together "that they may settle their differences, in the afterlife." What we're not generally told /advertised of, is that when the vault which already contained the coffin of Queen Mary I, was opened to receive the coffin of her half sister Queen Elizabeth I "it was discovered to be a very small vault = so rather than resting side by side, Elizabeth's coffin was placed on top of her sister Mary's.

(2) The fine monument, which contains the bones of The two Princes in The Tower = Killed by either "their uncle King Richard III = or My Lady the Kings Mother (Margaret Beaufort = mother to King Henry VII" ⬅️ depending upon what theory you believe, on that one!! The bones were discovered in the reign of King Charles II, under stone stairs in a wooden chest, in the Tower of London. Charles II had them buried with honour "as the two Princes in The Tower = the monument was opened in the 1930s & did indeed contain the bones of two boys, of around the same ages!! Weather it's actually those boys in that monument, is still an ongoing question, to this day 🤔

Left side small chapel, within The Lady Chapel

(3) The Tomb of Mary Queen of Scots "Elizabeth I's greatest adversary = beheaded at fotheringhay castle in 1587. When her son James "who'd abandoned his mother in favour of Elizabeth I & the English throne" Actually came to that throne = one of the first wheels he set in motion "was to have his mother's body brought from its original burial location, in Peterborough Cathedral & have her brought to Westminster Abbey" which was done in 1612.

(4) The Tomb of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox "James I's Grandmother." But, more interestingly on that tomb = is mentioned King James I's Father Henry Lord Darnley, cousin to Elizabeth I & short lived King of Scotland "murdered on The orders of Mary Queen of Scots & carried out by her lover The Earl of Bothwell." ⬅️ So you have a beheaded Queen = buried next to the Mother-in-law who blamed & hated her, for her sons murder = with that same murdered son /husband "shown & mentioned on the memorial." How bloody awkward must that little tableau, have been for King James I = who BTW "never trusted or liked women.

(4) The Foundress of the whole damn shebang = The tomb of Margaret Beaufort "the self styled = My Lady The Kings Mother" = Grandmother - Great Grandmother & Great Great Grandmother, to our Tudor & Stuart dynasties. My Lady the Kings Mother = was married at the age of 12 to Edmund Tudor "a fully grown man of about 26 years" & the resulting pregnancy & birth of the future King Henry VII, at the age of just 13 "is believed to have damaged Margaret internally = as she never bore another child or got pregnant again." Edmund died of the plague & left Margaret "a widow & mother, at age 13 /14." Her one goal in life = was to get her boy Henry, onto the throne!! Which happened with the defeat of King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field on 22nd August 1485.

And, that ends just a small part of "The fcuked up family from hell." 🤔


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