Operation Moonlight

Описание к видео Operation Moonlight

Russian Spy Ops is a series based on interviews by Pavneet Singh with an American intelligence officer posted in J-2, Pentagon, responsible for processing foreign intelligence for the US President. The Russian Spy Ops explains what Vladimir Putin wants and how he plans to get it. Russia’s ruler is following a carefully devised plan to defeat the United States and Russian Spy Ops reveals in chilling detail Putin’s long-range plan to weaken and subdue the United States, preparing for the war that he believes is inevitable. With the insights from a serving American intelligence officer, Russian Spy Ops explains how Russians, formed by centuries of war-torn history, understand the world and their national destiny. The collapse of the Soviet empire, which Putin experienced as a vulnerable KGB agent in East Germany, was a catastrophic humiliation. Seeing himself as the modern “Czar Vladimir” of a unique Slavic nation at war with the West, he is determined to restore Russia to its place as a great power. Russian Spy Ops analysis is enriched by Pavneet Singh's discussions with an American Intelligence officer, whose deeply personal account of what he deals with daily, is a rare and compelling testimony that Russia is hell bent on destroying America.


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