BS: The Legend of Link Mugen 38# Super mario 64

Описание к видео BS: The Legend of Link Mugen 38# Super mario 64

It's Link vs super mario again only this time is against the most broken type, Super mario 64!

Supermario64: This guy is cheap as hell! he is like the king of the N64! this guy SPAMS ether his super mario cart crew (super annoying) OR the his WORST attack of all: The Bowser toss! this attack deals ridiculous damage! (it takes off a hell alot of health from yea) so, if this guy won't play fair then I won't play fair ether, as in the first round he distroyed me, and he is SO asking for the fire rods spamming. I know it's cheap but cheap characters like super mario 64 don't deserve fair treatments! even beefing link's attack power to 150, this guy is STILL annoying with his attacks. I sorry if you guys are expecting me to fight this guy fairly but this guy is a broken sorry excuse for a character! so I have to fight him cheaply inorder to win this fight.


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