Warheads (edited)

Описание к видео Warheads (edited)

Weapons dealers and a low-level terrorist participate in a conference call. They discuss the latest weaponry: hair gas, electromagnetic and sterility warfare, boomerang missiles, uniforms that look like civilian clothing, psychological warfare by placing speakers under children’s pillows. This is followed by a description of a visit to Katmandu. Then Joe tells the story of being picked up by a hippie while hitchhiking across the country, and a disagreement with a burly truck driver that leads to a high-speed chase.

Cast: Mark Hammer, Arthur Miller, Paul Mantell, Lester Nafzger, Avery Hart, and Joe Frank
Produced in 1983 for NPR Playhouse

Remember: This was created on reel-to-reel tape. In addition to being a master storyteller, Joe was a master tape editor!

Purchase the entire show here:



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