In Memory of Leonard Cohen - Leonard Cohen reciting the priestly Blessing (Numbers 6: 23-27)

Описание к видео In Memory of Leonard Cohen - Leonard Cohen reciting the priestly Blessing (Numbers 6: 23-27)

The Priestly Blessing : 'May God Bless you and watch over you. May God shine his face upon you and be gracious unto you. May God lift up his countenance towards you and give you peace.' (Number 6 23-27). Recited before a crowd in Israel in his last performance there. Notice the hand formation at the end. Its the symbol of the two hands becoming one, a kabbalistic tradition of the hand of love (the right hand) uniting with the hand of fear (the left hand) to allow love to overcome fear. (by holding the thumbs together) . A variation of this hand symbol was used by Leonard Nemoy when he played Spock in Startrek in which the ten fingers become five by holding them two by two. The pinky with the ring finger, the middle finger with the pointer of both hands and the two thumbs together. This too means that love overcomes fear. Spock presented just one hand in this style. If you read the Lyrics of Leonard Cohen's song Lover Lover Lover, he says he is a person in fear and shame stuck in a body and he askes his lover (possibly God) to enable him love to overcome his fear and shame.


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