Amstrad CB901 CB27/81 UK FM CB radio service Hong Kong genuine version.

Описание к видео Amstrad CB901 CB27/81 UK FM CB radio service Hong Kong genuine version.

I'm sure I've not seen this version for about 14 years! Not gto be confubed with the el cheapo 29.99 HK version which always has poor squelch operation.

After changing the ballast resistor to a 6W type, the radio achieved a full 4W output, rather than the 3W it was doing with the skinny 3W ballast resistor it came fitted with. After that a routine re-alignment brought performance up to excellent...apart from the S meter that had to be set to be generous.

Recorded 2nd July 2024

Richard, G0OJF

Lincolnxshire, UK

(C) Tango Systems Group 2024

[email protected]


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