Intra Aortic Balloon Pump Waveform: IABP Waveform for Nurses

Описание к видео Intra Aortic Balloon Pump Waveform: IABP Waveform for Nurses

Understanding IABP Waveform Components

Inflation Point: Occurs immediately after the closure of the aortic valve, depicted as a sharp upward spike. This indicates the start of diastole, where the balloon inflates to augment diastolic pressure, enhancing coronary perfusion.

Augmented Diastolic Peak: The peak following inflation represents the increased diastolic pressure due to the balloon's inflation. It should be higher than the patient's native diastolic pressure, indicating effective augmentation.

Deflation Point: A sharp downward spike indicating the balloon's deflation just before the onset of systole. Proper timing is crucial to decrease afterload and facilitate easier ventricular ejection.

Dicrotic Notch: A small notch or dip following the deflation point, representing the closure of the aortic valve and the beginning of diastole. It's essential for confirming the correct timing of deflation.

How to Read IABP Waveforms
Interpreting IABP waveforms involves assessing the timing of inflation and deflation in relation to the cardiac cycle:

Proper Timing: Ensure that inflation occurs immediately after the dicrotic notch and deflation just before the next systolic upstroke. This timing maximizes coronary perfusion and reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

Waveform Morphology: The augmented diastolic peak should be higher than the patient's baseline diastolic pressure, indicating successful diastolic augmentation. The waveform should return to baseline before the onset of systole, ensuring reduced afterload.

Troubleshooting: Mis-timed inflation or deflation can lead to decreased cardiac output or increased myocardial workload. Adjustments may be required if the waveform suggests suboptimal timing or if the augmented diastolic peak is not evident.

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