Yea, not under an hour this time. That's alright, we're pretty close to 1 hour anyway...

Anyway, this is Garfield on the PS2. Created by HIP Interactive and published by Code Monkeys. You know things are going to be great when the creators of Dog's Life have their game published by the people who brought you Crazy Frog Racer and Simpsons Skateboarding. Unlike those games though, at least you don't have to worry about obnoxiously long loading screens that appear every 5 seconds and alot of backtracking. This game, however, suffers from Sonic 06 disease before the disease appeared. What's worse though, is that there are many other things wrong with this November 2004 game.

First of all, it was released for both PS2 and PC. However, only Europe got both versions. North America only got the PC version... in May 2005. The Europe PC version came out 26 November 2004, 1 week after the PS2 version. I don't have the slightest fucking idea why it took so long to be out in America. I doubt much got fixed.

In this game, your goal is to clean up the entire house, putting everything back to where they need to be. Some things make sense. Other things you could put fucking anywhere and it would still look clean, but apparently Jon is a picky bastard because you didn't put the Baseball in the Attic, on a plank of wood. There's also mini-games and puzzle pieces you have to collect to 100% the game. The game gives you about 7 hours, which is WAY too much for this game. If you actually ran out of time and you weren't just fucking around waiting for it to end because you wanted to see the bad end or you weren't stuck in a glitch that you couldn't get out of, then you deserve no respect from me, because you can literally beat this in about 2 hours, with loading screens. However, because of how long they are, they have been removed (save one) to actually show the game.

My goal is to 100% this game. So i have to not only complete it, but i also must play all the minigames and collect all the puzzle pieces. Throughout the entire game, you only need to use one box to store your stuff: The very first one, at the hallway. You don't need to store much, anyway. Every other area where you can store items is ultimately useless and will actually waste your time compared to just putting them in that one box. Incase you are wondering: Whatever items you put in a box, STAYS in that box. All other boxes will be empty except for that one. Remember where you keep your shit. The boxes are also the only way to save the game, which i never needed to do.

Odie will randomly appear. Just kick him or trap him somewhere. He's only a small nuisance. The last thing is, if you're going for 100%, do the Attic LAST. That's pretty much it. You can easily figure out the rest on your own, or by watching the longplay. Outside of that, my opinion on this game: It sucks. It's boring. The loading screens make this game longer than it actually is. I've had more fun with the other Longplays i've done so far. Don't play this game, it's really not worth your time or money. There will be an extras video, showing off everything else not shown here.

Lastly, yes, the ONLY 2 CUTSCENES in the Longplay were ripped from the disc and edited in. The reason is because the cutscenes were actually kinda fucked in the recording. I felt that it would look better to just replace it. Really though, outside of the cutscenes and the removal of the long and tedious loading screens, this is an unedited run of the game.


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